
My Biggest Blessings

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I’ve got a daughter that is 21 and about to begin her senior year as college athlete. Many people have said she’s my mini me. I’m flattered by that. You see, I’ve never been too hard on myself. I mean, I love me. I have more flaws than I care to mention, but they make me…me. But she is so much more than me. I have a caring heart, but she has a heart of gold. I have a way with words, but her words are more eloquent. She looks like me, but she’s stunning. I was an athlete, but she’s more athletic. I did good in school, but she’s on the Dean’s List. I had lots of friends in high school, but she is popular. I drive fast, she drives faster. I love Rocky Road Ice Cream, but she can eat her weight in it and not gain a pound. I’m sarcastic, but sarcastic and sassy is her art form. She may be my mini me, but she’s perfected me. 

I admire her so much. I learn from her about life and God. People are drawn to her. Watching her go through high school made me want to go back, but as her, not me! Now she’s in college and I miss her.

While I’ve never told her this, she comforts me. One day during her sophomore year, she called to chat. I had been feeling down and dealing with something. Hearing her voice and listening to her talk about college, classes, soccer, teammates, and everything else she had on her mind, I grew still and comforted. I didn’t even need to bring up my issues. I felt better just listening. She has that way about her.


I also have a 19 year old son about to begin his sophomore year as a college athlete. He’s not too much like his sister or me for that matter. He is much more like his dad and two uncles. It’s a deadly combination! Haha! He is tall and has his dad’s dark hair and handsome smile. He gets his humor from one uncle and his devious charm from the other.

When he was little, he loved to cuddle. He was my little buddy. He had the most infectious laugh. He laughed with his whole body right from the belly. Once he started laughing, he had a hard time stopping and so did I. As he got older, he wasn’t much of a cuddle buddy anymore. He would massage my shoulders and back though. Boy, I miss those days! He’s a smart kid too, but doesn’t really like school. Well, he likes the social aspect of school, just not the academic part. He’s a soccer player too and extremely talented. He’s totally the kid I would have hung out with growing up. 

I love funny people and he makes me laugh like no other. He has a much different outlook on life than I do. Sometimes, I am shocked, but other times I am in awe. He truly has a sweet side that I wish more people could see. He draws people in with his personality. He displays such confidence. I truly wish I had the ability to just be me and not worry about other’s opinions like he does.

Raising these two incredible beings is my honor. In their own ways, they push me to be a better person, a better mom, a better Christian, and a better teacher. Naturally, we have had ins and outs, ups and downs, laughter and tears, but most of all, we’ve had joy. My husband and I are proud of them and love them in the midst of their triumphs, bad choices, and do-overs. Regardless of how many mistakes we’ve made as parents, they love us and are proud of our accomplishments.

I thank God for my biggest blessings.


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