
Happy 4th of July

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Fireworks, food, family, fun… That’s what the 4th of July usually means to me.

When I was young, my parents often took me to a firework extravaganza. It truly was magical to me. I preferred the red and green blasts of light the most. In my teen years, we would go downtown with a packed lunch. We’d picnic and hang out until dark. The show would start and a collective, “Ooh, awe, oh” would fill the air.

As a parent, I have taken my kids to see different firework shows over the years. However, they really like shooting off their own. Their dad and I would take them to their grandparent’s home out in the country and let them set off about $100 worth of fireworks. Oh, how they loved the Roman Candles! Their dad and uncle introduced them to the Roman Candle War. That was a nightmare for this mom! My daughter would stand on one side of the yard and my son on the other. They would light their weapon and aim it at the other. The flares would glide through the air like rockets. Each child would duck, jump, or slide out of the way. At times, they’d have friends join. Dodging multiple flares was a bit more difficult. Luckily, no one ever got hurt.

Nowadays, our 4th is calmer. We spend it with family and a few friends by the pool. We grill hamburgers, hotdogs, and bratwursts. We add chips and desserts to make it the perfect poolside meal.

Front and backflips end in huge splashes from the diving rock. Beach balls are creatively kept from hitting the surface of the water. Water gun fights always break out. This year’s entertainment will include water volleyball and water beer pong. I’m excited to put another family 4th in our virtual memory book and on our Snapchat stories.

Gateway Church
Happy Birthday, America!
June 29, 2019
David Barton

With all the different ways to celebrate America’s birthday, I never knew to observe it as a religious holiday. In church this past weekend, I learned more about the Declaration of Independence than I ever did in school. Our guest speaker, David Barton, shared a message titled “Happy Birthday, America!” where he discussed the faith-based roots of Independence Day. I encourage you to watch his sermon. After listening to the message, I am looking at the 4th a bit differently. I will observe it as a religious holiday and definitely take time to pray for our great nation, our leaders, and our future.

However you spend your 4th of July, I hope you enjoy it and stay safe!

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